1360 - Solve the integration

Time Limit : 1 Second

Memory Limit : 256 MB

Submission: 216

Solved: 61

Wincat is a clever boy, he has just had a math class and has just learned about Integration, and just think is too easy to learn. Then he say to He’s math teacher Peter “it is too easy for me, could your give more hard lesson?” say with Disdain.”Ok, If you can solve this problem I give to your ,then I will teach your more hard lesson”. Then Peter turn around to the blackboard and write down a Equation like below:

Wincat is confused by this question, you are one of good friend of him ,could your help him?
The input contains multiple test cases, each case give you a float number x (0.0<=x<=100.0) .
Output the result of that equation, Round the numbers in the output to 4 digits after decimal point.
sample input
sample output
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